Exterior Selves

I said this was where I talked to myself, but I guess you clicked this because you want me to talk to you instead.

I'm tired. Beyond that, it's complicated. I have a degree with a long and fancy sounding name that I never used, a head full of medieval poetry (not related to the degree as it happens), a hard drive full of bad music, a cupboard full of bad art, and, now, a shoddily coded website. I've spent my life being things for other people, so now I'm going to do this for myself.

You're welcome to come along, though.

I haven't tried to do this for around 20 years, so be patient with broken links, please. I've been on the internet a fairly long time, but I never put myself out there on it, that part I'm new to.

Since you're someone who cares to look for things you don't need to know, here is an email address, in case you decide to look for me.
